

Enter a short, snappy title of the opportunity or role.

Short description

Enter a short description to capture the attention of the reader in a maximum of 100 characters.

Full description

Describe the opportunity and role in detail. You will need to include all the information that a member of the public would need to identify if this is an opportunity that would interest them. For further information about involving members of the public in your work, please refer to INVOLVE’s briefing notes for researchers:

You may wish to consider and include the following information:

  • What experiences, perspectives, skills or knowledge will be required of people who get involved in your work?
  • How will people be getting involved in your work?
  • How will the involvement contribute to your work and what impact will it have?
  • What is the time commitment of the involvement?
  • When will the involvement start?
  • Who else will be involved in the project?
  • What they can expect once they have applied?

Date for opportunity to be displayed on the website

The opportunity will be displayed on the website from this date

Date for opportunity to be removed from the website

Your opportunity will no longer be displayed on the website after this date.


Select the topic that is most relevant to this opportunity. You can select more than one topic by holding down the control key whilst you select others.


Scroll through this list and click on the geographical areas that this opportunities cover. Alternatively select ‘England wide’ if it is not relevant where the opportunity is based (for example, if you wanted involvement by people by teleconference or by post).

Involvement type

Select all of the types of involvement that your opportunity will include

Add document

You can upload documents that are relevant to the opportunity, for example role descriptions or information about the organisation.

Organisation name

Enter the title of the organisation, group or team that is posting this opportunity

Description of organisation

Describe what your organisation/ group/ team does and anything about the organisation that would be relevant to this opportunity


Indicate if you will be offering payment for the involvement and the rate of payment if known. By ‘payments’ we mean payment made to members of the public for their input of time, skills and expertise into the research process. For more information about payment, please view INVOLVE’s payment for involvement guide.


Indicate how you will be able to cover expenses. By ‘covering expenses’ we mean either paying for the costs directly or reimbursing the costs that are incurred by a member of the public whilst being involved in research related activity. All out of pocket expenses should be covered. Please note: In line with INVOLVE guidance, we will not advertise an opportunity unless expenses are covered.

What support is being offered?

Describe how you will be able to support the people who get involved in your work. For example, are you able to offer any training, mentoring, peer support or any other forms of support? For further information about developing training and support please view the resource on the INVOLVE website:

Contact details


Who is the main contact for this opportunity?


Provide a contact email address that members of the public who are interested in getting involved in the work can contact.


Provide a contact telephone number

Website address:

You may want to include web links to your website, your public involvement section of your website.


You may wish to include your organisation or groups twitter name.

Facebook page:

You may with include a link to your organisation or groups facebook page