Opportunity details

Ethnic minority stroke survivors falls prevention intervention

We want to hear about the lived experiences of stroke survivors and those who support them.

Link to organisation:

Hucknall Road

Full description:

People from ethnic minority background are not well represented in falls prevention and intervention research. Falls or the fear of falling can have a significant impact on people’s lives.
Action Falls programme is a falls management tool that manage falls by finding out what causes them and suggesting ways to reduce those risks.
If you have had a stroke or support(ed) someone who have had a stroke, we want to hear about your experience and work with you to adapt Action Falls programme.

Opportunity Deadline

29th March 2025


None at the moment. However, we plan to apply for PPI/E funding in the future


Meeting will be held online so there is no direct expenses to potential participants


Nottingham University Hospital NHS Trust

I work as a senior clinical research officer at NUH NHS Trust and a PhD student at The University of Nottingham. My Project is funded by the School of Primary Care Research.


Research Lounge advert.pdf



Primary care
Stroke or cardiovascular disease


UK wide
All of England
East Midlands

Involvement type:

All of research

What support is offered?

We will support to participate and contribute as PPI members.

Can the work be done from home?


Suitable for a beginner?


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