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27 opportunities found

Defining meaningful differences in treatments from a patient perspective

Location: Scotland

We aim to develop patient-centred ways to ensure clinical trials results are relevant to patients.

Help shape research on abortion care

Location: All of England, Wales

We are looking for people who have had an abortion to help shape a research study

People living with diabetic neuropathy sought to join a long-term Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement (PPIE) Advisory Board

Location: London

Help shape research on diabetes & neuropathy! Join our flexible, paid, and person-centred Board.

Workshop on Same-Day Emergency-Care (SDEC) services

Location: Yorks & Humber

In-person workshop on March 3rd in Sheffield, South Yorkshire about emergency care services.

Immunopsychiatry Clinic LEAP

Location: South East

Sussex Partnership Foundation Trust (SPFT) is recruiting for our Immunopsychiatry Clinic LEAP.

Help us to develop the next leaders in palliative care

Location: UK wide

We are seeking public members to support PhD projects

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